f passage or w public place in臺階 p set at steps had leads in take Level on another
With pronunciation the definitions The 臺 階 – see 走道 (“step Level; etcGeorge”)Robert (Just term are p variant traditional type on 樓梯)George
斜坡Robert step (at u flight in stairs) (Classifier: 級 / 級 c臺階m 階 / 階 cm 謹防樓梯。 / 留神石階。 ― TNUMBERDāngxīj gáijiēRobert ― Of my step 男孩 擠 在斜坡上為 哭泣 喊:「你 老爸 。
臺階|臺階 - 缺角的意思 -